Friday 27 November 2015


There are some lovely patterns and textures all around, for a few years now I've been photographing patterns in Japan as I come across them. Here are some examples.

Temple in Mashiko

Dowager's roof in Kanegawa

Fuel for a pottery kiln in Kyushu

Shoe market in Korea

Fish market in Pusan

Charring, for fire-proofing, warehouse in Kurashiki

Sumo flags  in Tokyo

Leeks in Nagano

Walnuts in Tochigi

Retaining wall in Tochigi

Paper cranes in Gunma

Tatami mat flooring in our house

Irises in Gunma
Fuel for kiln in Mashiko

Bark at Mitsumine temple

Rice in Saitama

The antique  radio stall in Urawa

Anti-tsunami blocks, Myagi

Religious plaque, Tochigi

Wishes at a temple, Shimane

Rice in Nagano

Roof in Kuratsu

Temple fence in Kanagawa

Little Buddhas in Kanagawa

Perismmons in Tochigi

Old door in Chigasaki

Paper cranes

Thursday 19 November 2015

Hirado Island

Hirado is a beautiful island off the coast off the coast of Nagasaki Prefecture. It is the the place where much of the early contact with the West first occurred. Firstly Spanish and Portuguese traders and missionaries arrived followed by English merchants, their legacy can be found all over the Island.

Most importantly though it has many beautiful and untouched spots and scenery .

A four hundred year old Cycad tree planted by the English

One of the highlights is the museum that displays some of the tens of thousands of superb objects donated by the Matsu-ura family. So many of the great families came down in the world after the Meiji restoration and many did not survive the aftermath of the Second World War.This family however seem to have survived on their wealth and splendour. Probably because they were far from the centre of things in Tokyo.

A sedan chair for carrying a bride.

Theere are many ancient maps and plans and drawings for ships.

Cage for chirping insects.

A decorated saddle  

Chest armour

Hirado has a wonderful fish market and port.

Though perhaps the display of whale meat and blubber isn't quite so enticing.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Autumn Festival in Kuratsu,Kyushu.

The Kunchi fesrtival is held every year in November in the town of Kuratsu in Shiga prefecture. It is a very old celebration and involves the townspeople dragging enormous floats through the streets.

These are much bigger than the usual Mikoshi seen at other festivals. Hundreds of years old, the floats must have cost a fortune to make and maintain as they are full of gold leaf and Chinese lacquer.

 The event lasts three days and nights.

Everyone gets involved with even very young children helping to drag the floats around.

 Some care has to be taken to avoid overhead powerlines and of course not run anyone over.

 Between the dragging there are many breaks for sumptious meals.

We were invited to the private home of one of the participants and this is what was for lunch.

Kuratsu itself is a lovely small seaside town between Fukuoka and Nagasaki. It is famous for its pottery as well as the festival.

 We visited an old family store in a beautiful building.

There is a vertical kiln that is hundreds of years old, it is  no longer in use but identical ones still are.