Saturday 27 February 2016


We woke up on Thursday morning to a winter wonderland. It is colder out where we live than in Tokyo and overnight we had a significant snowfall.

Even fairly dreary parts of our area look wonderful under snow with the early morning sunshine.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Something Fishy

Odawara Port has a bustling wholesale fish market.

All around are smaller retail shops and restaurants.

The owners' kids seem to have been decorating this particular shop for them.

We had a truly delicious meal there. Soup pickles, grilled fish, rice and salad all for about $12.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Odawara Castle

Odawara is an interesting seaside town about 1/2 an hour South West of Tokyo on the bullet train.
It has a most splendid castle and grounds with moats and beautiful gardens.

 It was a great strategic importance being a good port and on the approaches to Tokyo. The various clans that owned it were very powerful and rich due to their good agricultural practices and husbandry of their land.

We visited on a beautiful sunny late winter's day and were able to see some of the very first cherry blossoms in flower along with a lot of plum blossoms.

Next to the castle is the beautiful Ni No Miya shrine.

Temple guest house and restaurant