Saturday 10 November 2012

The Mechanical Instrument Museum

The Orugoru no Chiisana Hakubutsukan is a wonderful, magical place. In a specially designed museum building it houses an enormous private collection of mechanical musical instruments, music boxes and automata.

Mr Yoshihito Namura's collection would have to rate as one of the finest in the world. It runs to hundreds of rare and ancient things. All the pieces have been lovingly restored and there is a special concert performance where they demonstrate the working and music of about 20 choice pieces.

Not only that, but to quote the brochure there is:

The Bench of Bodily Sensation

You will have a rare experience that your body will feel the vibration of the sound of the music box directly.

 How could you resist an offer like that?

This is a music box,about 2M tall that has three voices,thus complex harmony etc .

A remarkable early Jukebox using wax cylinders, 3 M tall.

Sadly the museum will close in May next year as the owner is getting very elderly. One would hope that instead of wasting money on the next Olympic bid the Tokyo government could find the funds to keep it open.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful :-)
    So all this AND study!
    fantastic :-)))))
