Friday 26 April 2013

Poster Madness

At our local station there are a fantastic collection if posters announcing various things. I'm developing a bad case of "poster love". I can only understand bits and pieces but the designs and subject matter are often marvellous. Wonderfully, many if them advertise flower festivals, cultural events and often just advice on how to be a good Japanese.

Cute characters, often explaining quite serious things, are ubiquitous.

This one tells women to watch out for gropers etc and what to do to avoid them.

An advertisement for a TV drama.

An advertisement for the Skytree Line. This is the new name for our local line because it runs through the station where the tallest structure in the world has just been opened. The Skytree is much in the news and has already attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors. You don't want to be on the observation platform at the top during an earthquake though.

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