Sunday 8 December 2013

Barcelona in the heart of Tokyo

As anyone who has spent any time here will tell you, Tokyo is simply the best place in the world to eat, and of course drink. There are some 200,000 bars and restaurants in this city alone and the range of foods available is incredible.

The Michelin Guide has once again this year awarded Tokyo more stars than any other city in the world. And indeed when they come here they barely scratch the surface. Many of the best restaureants they haven't even heard of, let alone reviewed.

One of the most impressive things is the way that you can eat European food frequently much better prepared than in the host country. In a way more authentic than the original.

One fine example of this is the amazing Spanish restaurant La Playa. I have been going to this place for 25 years and it is always simply marvellous. Incredibly, and dangerously, it is three doors down from my current Japanese school. This makes the choice of lunch venue very easy.

Toru Kodama is a cook of great skill and runs the place by himself with the help of one waitress.  Shibuya outside is all crowds and office blocks. You walk downstairs into La Playa into a different world.

The jamon hanging from the ceiling is home made, the place is cosy, chaotic, crammed with books and bits and pieces. Lovely music is playing softly.

As he finishes cooking he pulls up a chair and opens a bottle of something special. The talk is of books and the world,  it is like being home.

With deflation for the past 20 years and lots of competition and a minimum hourly wage of $8.50/Hr, food is surprisingly inexpensive.
Lunch at  La Playa, including soup, salad, paella, dessert and coffee is about $12 AUS.

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