Sunday 9 October 2016

The Fox's Wedding

In Minowa, Gunma Prefecture, 0n a sunny Sunday we attended the wedding of a fox. Foxes' weddings have a long tradition in Japanese folklore.

Foxes are meant to be able to change into human shape to trick people.

There is probably a sexual, fertility aspect to it as well as ancient Japan had many strange animist based superstitions.

Also in the past the strange bits of ball lightning and swamp gas etc seen at night have meant to be the lantern lights of such mysterious weddings.

So in Minowa everyone dresses up as foxes and heads to the park. 

The dancing grannies were a particular treat, note the use of traditional instruments

 A full on wedding is performed between a bride and groom dressed as foxes. The prefectureal governor was there as was the mayor of the big city nearby plus other dignitaries.

 Wedding speeches were made, just as boring as the real ones, and then a full marriage ceremony was performed. 

The celebrations then go on all afternoon and into the night but even foxes need their daily noodles.

Everyone was having a great time.

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