Thursday 31 October 2019

Fudo no Taki Waterfall

The Fudo no Taki waterfall is in Iwate Prefecture in Japan's North. It is rated as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in all Japan, and indeed it is. However for me it was the arrival that was so wonderful. On an Autumn day mid-week we were the only ones there. A winding path through the forest, the increasing sound of the water, a series of temple gates, the odd stone lantern and then there it is. All quite magical.

This is so different, sadly, from many famous spots in Japan these days where there are too many other people, touristy geegaws, buses and plastic junk.

Still, Japan being such a mountainous and forested place, there are many places where in fact you can get away from it all.

Shugendo monks worshipped here starting in the 12th century. Being great stoics, the freezing cold water was a great attraction.

Stangely, there is a statue of a fire god in the waterfall.

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