Monday 6 October 2014

Truth in advertising and Poster Fenzy at the Station

Well its always a  cheap shot, I know,  but there is a constant joy in the use and misuse of the English language in Japan. (Just like my misuse of the Japanese language I suppose).

Here are some gems I've collected recently and following is an update on the poster frenzy at our  local train station.

Ah truth in advertising at last. This restaurant obviously has little faith in its pancakes.

It was reassuring to see that the hotel we were staying in were perfectly prepared for their disasters.

And here we have Oedepus' favourite bar.

Finally my favourite of all time. There were dozens and dozens of these official signs at the main airport in Hokaido. Its where you leave your cart, ... I think.

And now to our local station. What a wonderful little place from another place and time it is. The station master always has beautiful planter boxes full of flowers. He greats me every morning and then thanks me on my return each evening for using his station. In the early morning I chat with various pensioners who volunteer to tidy up around the station.

The other morning bright and early the village locals were out collecting for the local charities.

But once inside this calm is shattered by an onslaught of Japaense poster art. I love it. It is busy, colourful, badly designed, mostly, and of course largely unreadable, even for me.
So here's a current selection.

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