In Kasama in Ibaraki Prefecture each year they hold a massive Chrysanthemum festival.
At the Inari fox shrine and surrounding areas literally hundreds of different types of Chrysanthemums are on display in the autumn sunshine.

Particularly interstingly, there were extensive displays of Chrysanthemum bonsai plants. We spoke to a proud prize winner about how they do it. The plants are not perrenial so they have a limited time each year. The whole process takes about 16 months. First they grow a plant in a PVC pipe and only really allow the roots to develope to full size. This is done in winter inside the house or green house. Then is spring they start training and pruning and selecting shoots. They results can be astounding.

All around too were vendors selling fresh local produce. A highlight was meeting pickle-man and his fabulous range.
Pickled eggplant in Moromi, a fruity gentle miso-like paste with soya beans. Pickled, garlic and shallots. Carrots and plums. Pickled cabbage and cucumber. Fruit pickled with red basil, ...all delicious.

A rather curious thing was the home for lost foxes. The shrine is a fox shrine, with fox statues everywhere . The locals keep little fox statues in their homes to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.
When the person dies the foxes may not be needed, as the children may have their own. So they are returned to the temple and form this marvellous collection in the temple grounds. A sort of ' Used fox yard', a little sad perhaps but at least they have company.
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