Saturday 15 November 2014

Izumo Shrine

Izumo, in Shimane Prefecture Southern Japan. is regarded as the oldest and most famous shrine in the country.  It is here that the Gods first came to Japan, apparently, and in October each year they come back and stay at a specially built "God Hotel" next to the shrine

Here's the hotel.

So if you want to pray to your local God he or she won't be in your local shrine they will be here during October. So the you have to come here and the place gets very crowded.
We went early on a sunny Autumn morning to avoid  the hordes of tourists. It is a  wonderful place that also houses the original Sumo shrine as it is here that Sumo is also thought to have originated.

 The shrine has been particularly in the news reccently as Princess Noriko married the son of the shrine family, 96th generation in the job or some such, and as a result there has been much publicity around the place. It is meant to be a lucky shrine for couples, marriages etc.
Although she became a commoner by marrying one.

 Prayers and wishes stuck on a tree in the temple grounds.

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