Tuesday 5 May 2015

A Funny Welcome, Rakugo

Back in Japan after 4 months of summer in Australia. We left autumn to land in a Japan in the full bloom of spring.

The day after our arrival, in the local village in front of the bakery, we were treated to a Rakugo performance. 

Every two months or so there is a free community event or concert, outside if the weather is good, this time it was a little concert, then Rakugo. 

 Rakugo 落語 is an ancient form of entertainment dating back about a thousand years in Japan. 

Rakugo means "Falling Language".

A usually seated performer, with only a paper fan and a cloth for props, recounts a long funny story with several characters involved. He changes voices and the direction of his his gaze to switch between them.

The performer in red told a long story, they always are, about the locals and the funny names children get given these days.

Blue chap here told an equally long tale of mother-in-laws and the trials of family life.

It was a lovely way to be welcomed back to a place that is just so different from our normal life in Australia.

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