Usually the minute we arrive I race around the back to see how the garden is doing after our months of absence. It's usally quite sad to see as we have an old chap who comes and waters occasionally but really doesn't do anything else. As we are usaully away during the worst of the freezing winter and the boiling summer, quite a lot of damge can happen.
This time it wasn't too bad and after a week of pretty solid work it starting to look just right.

All sorts if plants that are hard or impossible to grow in Adelaide thrive in Japan and are easy to grow. Above a Clemitis that looks after itself.
This Japanese maple now screens our bedroom and keeps it cool in the hot wweather.
Lilac flowers profusely here and is very easy to grow.
The local garden centre has an astonishing range of plants at about 1/2 to 1/3 ther price they are in Australia. The quality is far better too. So it is inexpensive to cram the garden with plants and flowers.
The roses are just starting to come out.
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